Recently, I sat down with Queen Anne's County Commissioner David Dunmyer, for a look back at his last two years serving on the Board of Commissioners, as well as a look ahead at the next two years.
What have you found to be the most rewarding aspect of being a county commissioner?
In my two years as a county commissioner, I have had the
great opportunity to learn a lot about the place I call home, and that has been,
and continues to be, extremely rewarding. Learning about the county naturally
started during my campaign in 2010, meeting people and learning what folks cared about the most in the different parts of
the county.
A close second to that is the feeling that I am giving back
in a way that is meaningful to the community. My whole life, I existed like
everyone else: job, family, worry about paying the bills; and it can be easy to
not pay attention to anything happening in the community around you. But, and I
guess this is obvious, stepping out as a public servant requires you to get and
stay engaged, and to give back as a leader in your community. So from a
personal standpoint, being elected a county commissioner has been incredibly
Third, is having greater access to higher levels of
government. Not everyone can pick up the phone and get a meeting with the
senator or the governor, but that new found access has been very helpful in
getting Queen Anne’s County priorities on the radar of decision makers at the
state and federal levels.
How has that
increased access to higher levels of government helped the people of QAC?
The state and the
federal government are taking an increasing interest in many issues that Queen
Anne’s County is grappling with. Whether it is cleaning up the Bay or
attempting to make smarter decisions about growth, the state and federal levels
of government are trying to coordinate a response to important issues that
cross county and even state boundaries. Being able to have the access to state and federal
officials, means I can communicate with them directly about these issues, and
ensure that the concerns of Queen Anne’s County and her citizens are always
being considered.
Of course, there is a lot of dysfunction perceived between
local government and the state and federal governments, a lot of talking past
one another and failure to really communicate. Those that can cross party lines
and cross lines of government, can get things done for the county and I think that
is what I have been able to do.
Do you think there is
ignorance at the state and federal level about how counties work?
Actually, I think it is the other way around. Many in state
government started at the county level; but local officials don’t know how
state government works, and assume that there is a hostility towards county
interests. But it is up to county officials to work with state and federal
folks to make sure our interests are always considered when these broader decisions
get made.
What has been the
most frustrating aspect of being a commissioner?
That one is easy, always being on the two end of a 3-2 vote is frustrating. It can be tough, when you know it’s going to be that way for four years, to get excited about going to the commissioner’s meetings. We’ve been able to have some small wins on noncontroversial things, but not everything should have to be a battle. But it is very frustrating that the majority of the board thinks in a polar opposite way than I think, despite the fact that we were all elected by essentially the same people. The biggest factor in the Republican sweep of 2010 that brought me into office wasn’t so much a statement about local values, but rather was a message about national politics, and yet our five commissioners cannot come together around common goals. It is my hope that the election results of 2012, when the people of Queen Anne’s County roundly opposed major changes to county code that would have made rapid, large-scale development easier, that the priorities of our county’s citizens will become clearer to the Board of Commissioners.
That one is easy, always being on the two end of a 3-2 vote is frustrating. It can be tough, when you know it’s going to be that way for four years, to get excited about going to the commissioner’s meetings. We’ve been able to have some small wins on noncontroversial things, but not everything should have to be a battle. But it is very frustrating that the majority of the board thinks in a polar opposite way than I think, despite the fact that we were all elected by essentially the same people. The biggest factor in the Republican sweep of 2010 that brought me into office wasn’t so much a statement about local values, but rather was a message about national politics, and yet our five commissioners cannot come together around common goals. It is my hope that the election results of 2012, when the people of Queen Anne’s County roundly opposed major changes to county code that would have made rapid, large-scale development easier, that the priorities of our county’s citizens will become clearer to the Board of Commissioners.
What single issue do
your constituents contact you about the most?
Not about what I would call the “big” issues, certainly. What
I hear about most from my constituents, and this is understandable, are the
minor issues, the things people confront every
day. Maybe it is trash blowing around
their neighborhood or the shoulders of the road aren’t getting mowed. Those are
the types of things that fill up my inbox. The major land use issues, budgets,
taxes, don’t seem to get as much attention as the minor things, like when are
you going to fix the pothole in my road?
What one issue
do you wish your constituents paid more attention to?
I would have to say growth. People come out and provide
their input on the comprehensive plan, and on issues like the federal facility
in Ruthsburg, and the ballot questions about growth. But the fact of the matter
is a million smaller decisions about growth are made all across this county, in
planning commission meetings, zoning board of appeals meetings, town council
meetings, and of course, county commissioner meetings, and those decisions are
made largely without input from all but those most directly impacted. If citizens care about growth, and I believe strongly
that they do, they need to let their elected officials know about what they
think. I’m a firm believer in the smart growth policies that the state is
trying to implement, and they apply to QAC perhaps more than any other county,
where the vast majority of our citizens moved here for the quality of life. But
just trusting five people to protect that quality of life, without checking in
to make sure they are actually doing the job with their votes, will prove
Explain to the
readers why you are still a Republican?
I am a Republican because I still consider myself a conservative.
Government should be more effective, efficient, and accountable. As local
officials we have a different type of responsibility, a boots on the ground
type relationship with our citizens, and we have to represent all of them Republican,
Democrat, or Independent. We have to get things done, and cannot afford to
dream up crazy proposals only aimed at solidifying the base. Managing the
county on a day to day basis is not a partisan task. And what I think is wrong
with national politics is that those who don’t follow the party line are called
RINOS [Republicans in Name Only], or DINOS, and they are cast aside, eaten by
their own. The fact that you have to ask me that question is indicative of how
politics is now. I don’t tow the GOP line on every issue, therefore I am
considered by some a “bad” Republican. That’s a shame because there are lots of
good Republicans that aren’t around anymore because of their independence.
What do you think about
the Republican Party in QAC?
As Queen Anne’s County Republicans, we still want good
schools and good roads, and generally a high level of service from county
government, but we want it done as efficiently as possible. I think people understand that growth in the
county means growth in the county government, and growth in the county budget,
both of which can likely lead to growth in their tax bill.
Now the local leadership, central committee members, I think
they spend too much time on national issues and not enough time on local
issues. Most of their activities are focused on national politics. And I will
say that, despite being an overwhelmingly Republican county, I do not think
that the average Queen Anne’s Republican voter agrees with the GOP Central
Committee on issues pertaining to growth. Several members of the QAC Republican
Central Committee are real estate agents, or have a vested interest in
development. I think they should set aside those personal interests and get in
line with the average county Republican, who voted against the Central
Committee line on growth issues back in November. Simply put, there are many Republicans
that do not believe what the GOP central committee is selling on growth in this
county, even as they vote the Party line on many other issues.
What about QAC have
you learned over your time that has been most interesting?
QAC has quite an array of business that people know very little about. Even businesses that are industrial and manufacturing in nature that might be tucked off the beaten path; people say we’ve got no manufacturing but I’ve learned that we have a lot going on. The statement is often made that businesses don’t want to be here, but that is just not true.
There are these pockets of employment here that not enough
people are aware of, like Chesapeake Burial Vaults with 30 or so employees in
Barclay to Groco with 45 employees in Stevensville. These are the kinds of
economic development projects that make sense for the future of Queen Anne’s
County, and they are fascinating.
What personally makes you care so much about cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay?
What personally makes you care so much about cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay?
When I was elected, there was a ton going on in terms of the
Chesapeake Bay, starting with the President’s Executive Order on the
Chesapeake, to the beginnings of the Watershed Implementation Plans. I jumped
right into that when I became a commissioner, because I saw that people all
across the watershed were thinking of creative ways to do their part in
cleaning up the Bay, and that was a discussion I wanted to be a part of, and
something I really thought I could lead on. As county officials, we can either fight this
kind of stuff, or we can help to make it work better for the people we
represent. I chose to do the latter.
My passion for the Bay comes from the fact that I grew up
here in Maryland, a really unique place. The Bay is a part of our everyday
life, the seafood that we eat, the great times we have on the water. Most
states don’t have what we have, and I fear that we won’t realize what great
benefits the Bay provides until they disappear. It’s up to today’s leaders to
make sure future generations have the same and hopefully even better opportunities
to enjoy the Bay as we do.
What keeps you motivated?
I don’t want to lose what we have. I moved here 18 years
ago, to get away from overrun, overdeveloped sprawl, and clearly I wasn’t the
only one. But driving my truck to work and seeing how much the county has
changed, you don’t have to look far to see the massive changes that have come
to our county just in the last decade or so, and how much it is starting to
look like what we moved away from. I don’t think I am alone in feeling that
way. That daily visual reminder is all I need to stay motivated to make sure
the next twenty years don’t look like the last twenty years.
Nice interview...very glad Dunmeyer is working for our county.
Wish our schools and teacher's were as important.....
Great interview. Dave's view on greater citizen input into planning, or attendance at planning commission meetings, suggests changing the time of the planning commission to late afternoons or evenings. People have to take a day off to attend a morning meeting in Centreville.
Dave's point about the local Republican Central Committee spending too much time on national stuff and not enough on local issues is well taken. His concern that realtors carry too much weight on the GOP central committee is well founded.
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